Meryl Streep nu este feminista

Meryl Streep

De ceva ani buni nu exista interviu important in care sa existe intrebarea despre feminism.

Am crezut ca va trece curentul, ne-a luat valul, a trecut. Nici pe departe. Meryl Streep, pe care o iubesc fara rezerve, nu ma dezamageste cu raspunsul ei la aceasta intrebare stupida si perimata : “I am a humanist, I am for nice easy balance.” Voi cum ati raspunde ? Eu nu as putea sa am un raspuns mai bun decat al ei.

O parte din interviul ei dat TimeOut London, si omg ce motto bun are:

Her life motto: “Do what you can.”
Advice to her 18-year-old self: “Don’t waste so much time thinking about how much you weigh. There is no more mind-numbing, boring, idiotic, self-destructive diversion from the fun of living.”
The best advice she received: “From my husband who says: ‘Start by starting.’”
What makes her angry: “Deliberate ignorance of global warming by the richest, best-educated people and institutions in the world, as if it will not profoundly impact on them, their privileged lives and their families.”
Being ladylike is underrated: “I would say it is underrated. Grace, respect, reserve and empathetic listening are qualities sorely missing from the public discourse now.”
Is she a feminist? “I am a humanist, I am for nice easy balance.”
Her least favorite interview question: “‘You often play very strong women… Why do you choose…? Blah blah blah.’ No man is ever asked: ‘You often play very strong men. Why?’ It would be an absurd question.”

Poza din titlu este de la premiera filmului Ricki and the Flash pe care spre rusinea mea de fan Meryl, nici nu stiam pina astazi ca exista. Trailerul imi da senzatia unui film indie in care iti pun tagul de comedie si la sfarsit esti in lacrimi, dar nu de ras. O sa vad totusi filmul, numai pentru Meryl si Kevin Kline (joaca si el).