Golden Globes 2016 probabil cel mai bun show – picanterii

Golden Globes 2016

Golden Globes 2016 a fost transmis aseara pe HBO Romania si nu am putut sa-mi iau ochii de la TV. A fost ca o plimbare in roller coaster si trebuie sa-l creditez pe Ricky Gervais pentru acest lucru. La show-ul pentru Oscar adormeam intre discursuri si la acest show nu am avut timp sa respir intre pauze.

Daca savurati umorul taios englezesc si tenta de glume studentesti, Ricky, gazda acestui show, va va incanta auzul. Sau nu, pentru ca toata presa din SUA este la unison in a-l acuza pe Ricky de glume homofobe sau umor de proasta calitate.

O parte din glumele lui Ricky:

Cu referire la interviul tinut de Sean Penn traficantului de droguri El Chapo, prins de autoritati si datorita lui Sean:  “I want to do this monologue, then go into hiding. Not even Sean Penn will find me… snitch.”

Cu referire la Amber Heard o actrita de care nimeni nu a auzit pana cand s-a casatorit cu Johnny Depp: “All these rich, beautiful celebrities having the time of their lives. Let’s hope nobody spoils that. You are megastars with enormous talent. Most of you – some of you just married well.”

Cu referire la prietenia dintre Matt Damon si Ben Afleck (divortat datorita faptului ca isi insela nevasta). Intro la prezentarea pentru Matt Damon a fost:  “Matt Damon, the only person Ben Affleck hasn’t been unfaithful to.”

Cu referire la rasismul lui Donald Trump: “Eva Longoria and America Ferrera are not only beautiful and talented actresses, they are also two people who your future president, Donald Trump, can’t wait to deport.”

Alte glume:

“Joy and Trainwreck, no not the names of Charlie Sheen’s two favourite hookers… the films of our next two presenters.”
“A few years ago on this show I made a joke about Mel Gibson getting a bit drunk and saying a few unsavoury things. We’ve all done it. I wasn’t judging him but now I find myself in the awkward position of having to introduce him again…. I blame NBC for this terrible situation. Mel blames… We know who Mel blames…”
On Spotlight: “The Catholic Church are furious about the film, as it exposes the fact that five percent of all their priests have repeatedly molested children and been allowed to continue to work without punishment. Roman Polanski called it the best date movie ever.”
On the awards: “I’ve got three. One’s a door stop. One I use to hit burglars with. And one I keep by the bed ’cause…doesn’t matter why. It’s mine. I won it fair and square. It is just the right shape and size. So, to be clear, that was a joke about me shoving Golden Globes, that I’ve won, up my ass. And they asked me to host four times!”
 “I’m gonna be nice tonight — I’ve changed. Not as much as Bruce Jenner, obviously. Now Caitlyn Jenner, of course.

Discursurile actorilor : mi-au placut toate, in afara de cel al actritei Taraji P. Henson care parea beata.

Brad Pitt era portocaliu la fata. A exagerat cu bronzul? Parca era copia statuii lui de ceara de la Madame Tussaud.


De ce s-a strambat Leo Di Caprio cand Lady Gaga s-a dus spre scena ca sa-si ridice premiul:

Ce ii spune Ricky lui Mel Gibson:

Picanterii de la petrecerea tinuta dupa premiere (Golden Globes after party):
Orlando Bloom si Kate Perry au flitrat toata seara si au plecat impreuna. Bietul Orlando 🙂


  Si actorii danseaza : Fetele:

The girls and the globe!! Congrats Gaga! #goldenglobes #CAA #afterparty #katehudson #ladygaga #jlo

A photo posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on

        Selena Gomez poate purta si discutii interesante, ok?  

  just discussing #TheBigShort ?-@agentoh   A photo posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Si inchei cu Leo Di Caprio, care si-a petrecut seara discret, in compania prietenului lui de o viata, Tobey Maguire. Este binecunoscuta loialitatea lui Leo fata de vechii lui prieteni, aceeasi de ani de zile, astfel ca introducerea pentru a-l prezenta pe Leo la Globurile de Aur a fost facuta de catre amicul lui, Tobey. Ce frumoase sint prieteniile de durata 🙂