From a particularly scary Tom and Jerry episode to Sabrina the Teenage Witch and countless other movies, the flying witch entered step by the into the pop culture. But how it all began?
The first depiction of a witch on...
A few hours ago Nike launched a new ad featuring LeBron James and it is the kind of motivational that gets you out of bed.
The ad made by Wieden+Kennedy Portland for Nike seems like a reiteration of the...
There is less than a week until Halloween so reading some scaring stories before the holiday might be a good idea if you're not weak of heart.
#1 Aldous Huxley - The Devils of Loudun (1952)
Known for political and social...
Mercedes-Benz in collaboration with Ace Norton, Homer Hans Bryant, and Sandy Liang created Midnight in Stuttgart, a a short film that mixes music, with contemporary dance, ballet, and old cars. The result is indeed spectacular and can be watched...
The other day I was reading an article about what motivates people to buy expensive watches. I found that some people buy it to make it into a circle, others as a social symbol, while some choose to follow...
According to a new study of the University of Colorado spending at least two weeks in the mountains improves our overall health for at least a few months after returning to lower grounds.
This conclusion contradicts most of the studies published in the last...
Stra-stranepotul lui Bram Stoker, Dacre Stoker, ne promite o noapte horror pe 31 octombrie la Castelul Bran, cel care a inspirat povestea lui Dracula.
Dacre in parteneriat cu Airbnb ofera unor persoane amatoare de senzatii tari ocazia de a dormi...
Daca noi culegem strugurii si mai apoi sarbatorim Haloween-ul sterpelit de la americani si bem pumpkin spice coffee, alte culturi din restul lumii aleg sa respecte cateva traditii vechi de secole. Mai jos sunt doar cele mai interesante dintre...
Pentru prima oara in istorie o echipa de cercetatori a clasificat tarile lumii dupa trasaturile empatice iar rezultatele au fost cel putin surprinzatoare.
Oamenii de stiinta au analizat datele obtinute de la testarea a mai bine de 104.000 de oameni...
Una dintre cele mai bine vandute 'jucarii' din lume este cubul Rubik. Simplist, in aparenta, le poate da batai de cap chiar si celor mai creativi dintre noi. Mai jos e o serie a celor mai interesante si bizare...