Kim Kardashian afiseaza o silueta mai subtire la scurt timp dupa cea de a doua nastere.
Dupa prima sarcina Kim s-a plans cat de chinuitor a fost sa-si revina la forma initiala si imi amintesc si eu ca au fost luni de zile in care a urmat exercitii fizice intense combinate cu un regim draconic. De aceasta data insa, pare ca a gasit reteta magica. In mai putin de 2 luni de la nastere Kim si-a revenit la silueta initiala si cu un bonus de fata schimbata. Nu vi se pare ca are fata un pic altfel? Pot sa imi imaginez ca odata cu imbunatatirile de la fata, a mai plusat si cu o liposuctie.
Good morning New York! #2filters
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) February 10, 2016
Este prima aparitie a vedetei care isi programeaza cu atentie iesirile, si a facut-o ca urmare a interviului dat pentru revista The Editorialist, in care ne anunta ca va urma lansarea parfumului care va purta numele ei.
She’s working on a new perfume: “I’m working on a new fragrance right now, and that makes me really excited. I love the beauty business. I took a second away just to figure out what I wanted the fragrance brand to be.”
Her relationship with the press & tabloid media: “I would say I’m a really realistic person. At the beginning of my career, [the press] made me—or maybe not ‘made me’ but was such a big part of my career. And then, I feel like when I got a divorce, it kind of turned on me, and the people I would do interviews with, who I thought were my friends, just did not understand me. And so it was all of these made-up stories, and this whole story line like a soap opera [started to form]…I saw that happening, and it really took a toll on me. I’m strong. I can handle it. But I took some time off. [Looking] back now, it was great for me. I learned how to live a more private life. It’s also hard, you know. My husband lives really a more private life, and I…don’t. So it’s the combination of figuring it out—he’s really opened up, which has been great, and I’ve closed off and learned how to just take our alone time with him. And I’ve never really done that before, take time for myself.”
Her dreams for North: “When North was born, I used to pray, ‘Can she handle this life?’ Because it’s a lot to come into, a family that has the spotlight on them, and it’s very public. But I really believe people come into our lives, and they choose us, and she knows what her life is going to be. I value my relationship with her so much. I want to become best friends with her to the [point that] she can ask me anything. My hope for her is that she is just really kind to people and grows up as normal as possible within all of the chaos.”
Este normal ca imperiul Kardashian sa ia o bucata si din profitabila afacere a parfumurilor. Au deja o colectie de haine, urmatorul pas va fi piata de produse cosmetice si incep prin lansarea parfumului. Dupa parfumurile altor celebritati (Bieber, Britney Spears etc) a venit vremea raftului de parfumuri Kardashian in Sephora 🙂 Obisnuiam sa port Gabriela Sabatini (jucatoare de tenis) si chiar apreciez parfumul lansat de Jennifer Lopez, dar ma gandesc ingrozita la notele de miros ale parfumului Kim Kardashian.