Kristen Stewart este o actrita mediocra, cunoscuta pentru rolul Bella din filmul The Twilight Saga. O putem acuza de mediocritate, dar in nici un caz de faptul ca este sau a fost vreodata grasa.
Star Magazine sustine ca domnul Karl Lagerfeld (designerul casei Chanel) i-a spus actritei ca are nevoie de o dieta pentru a slabi, altfel isi va pierde contractul de imagine pe care il are cu Chanel. Aceasta revista nu este cea mai veridica sursa, dar cred ca in acest caz a spus adevarul. De ce spun asta? Sa nu uitam scandalul din 2013 cand neintrebat, Karl Lagerfeld a iesit public sa-si exprime parerea fata de Adele, numind-o pe aceasta ” un pic cam grasa”. Acelasi lucru l-a facut cu Pippa Middleton, sora ducesei Kate Middleton.
Sint convinsa ca sindromul de zeu al modei, ii da impresia lui Lagerfeld ca toata lumea are nevoie de opinia lui, dar aluneca usor in ridicol cu aceste comentarii. Mai exista cineva destul de slab pentru casa Chanel?
Kristen Stewart is slim by anyone’s standards… unless you’re a French fashion house! Sources say a certain high-end designer has warned the actress to get into shape pronto or risk losing her very lucrative contract as its spokesperson.
“Kristen feels like she shouldn’t have to work out, since she’d rather smoke cigarettes than eat anyway,” explains a source close to the star. “But she’s not 19 anymore and if she wants to be the face of a luxury brand, she needs to keep up with the Hollywood standard, which is toned, healthy body.”
Kristen is the first to describe herself as “skinny fat” but her too-cool-for-school attitude is wearing thin.
“It’s her professional responsibility to stay in shape, so her team is looking for a trainer and a nutritionist,” adds the insider. “Awards season is here, and she can’t be seen going to parties looking bad.”