Calendarul Pirelli 2016 iese din tiparele obisnuite, si prin fotograful Annie Lebovitz schimba complet optica Pirelli. In loc de pozele cu femei sexy, avem femei puternice din diverse categorii in sport, arte si filantropie.
Annie spune ca a vrut sa reflecte imaginile femeilor cat mai transparent posibil si fara pretentiozitate:
“Pirelli came to me and told me they wanted to shift this year to something different. I made the suggestion that they do women performance artists or women comedians, almost a take-off. I just thought of women I admired and I didn’t let anyone in the studio from Pirelli. It became a very strong set of very simple portraits […] No one was supposed to look like they tried in these pictures.” She continued, “I still can’t believe the women who agreed to do it, did it. I felt a big responsibility to that […] It shouldn’t be a big step, but it is a big step,”
Actrita de comedie Amy Schumer a pozat fara haine, la fel si sportiva Serena Williams (tenis), iar o parte din restul de modele au pozat dupa propriile reguli : Yoko Ono, cantareata Patti Smith, actrita si activista din China, Yao Chen, filantropista Agnes Gund, producatoarea Kathleen Kennedy, Natalia Vodianova, femeia de afaceri Mellody Hobson si artista iraniana Shirin Neshat.
Pirelli 2016: