Alternativa la Popcorn Time va trebui sa preocupe pe cei care au folosit acest serviciu, pentru ca aplicatia are un viitor incert.
Popcorn time a aparut in 2014 cand coderul din Argentina, Federico Abad aka Sebastian, a avut ideea geniala de aplicatie care nu face host la un content ilegal ci doar este “un loc de tranzit” pentru cei care fac share. Central Station pentru torrente daca vreti sa faceti o analogie mai prietenoasa. Sebastian spune ” piracy is a “service problem.”
In doi ani de zile aplicatia s-a inchis si redefinit de cateva ori, coderii orginali au plecat din proiect dar au dechis altul nou, pana la momentul actual cand au anuntat ca au renuntat oficial. Interviul lui Federico este foarte interesant si va da o perspectiva a ceea ce poate inseamna orice program pe care ll instalezi pe calculator:
“There were many criminal business offers. They said that we could earn up to $10,000 a week. They offered to give us five dollars every time someone installed spyware and malware that changed ads in a way that channeled the proceeds to them,” Abad reveals.
Others wanted to steal information about Popcorn Time users, including their passwords, and Abad estimates that had they gone along with the offers they could have made $100m.
“We rejected all the offers. We weren’t doing this for the money. We just wanted to provide a good service, not something that ruined people’s machines,” he said.
All at the same time, developers on the Popcorn Time team noticed that their personal LinkedIn pages had all received an unwelcome visitor – a lawyer from film studio Warner Bros.
“We do not know how, but he had managed to track us down. We were quite put out. We thought it was a scare tactic. And we were frightened. None of us were anonymous anymore. They knew where we worked and where we lived,” Abad recalls.
There are now several different forks of the popular software but Abad say he can support only one – the version at
“That’s because the source code is public, I know it does not contain malware and that it works the way it was when we left the project,” Abad says.
Ultimately the Argentinian has no regrets, although his father reminds him he could have been a millionaire.
“No dad,” Abad told him.
“I could have been in prison. I’d rather be with you.”
Fiti atenti la versiunile PopcornTime ramase si orientati-va catre alte aplicatii. Ganditi-va ce pot contine aceste aplicatii, daca sint sigure, si daca sint legale.
Nu va pot recomanda nici o aplicatie alternativa dar puteti verifica