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Halle Berry si Olivier Martinez divorteaza

Halle Berry si Olivier Martinez divorteaza dupa doi ani de casnicie si un copil impreuna. Divortul celor doi nu a suprins pe nimeni avand in vedere zvonurile care circula de luni de zile, cum ca cei doi nu mai locuiesc demult impreuna.

Povestea lor nu avea cum sa aiba un final fericit pentru ca, Halle este cunoscuta ca fiind o fire rautacioasa si razbunatoare si Olivier  este o fire foarte temperamentala. Olivier a fost amendat de nenumarate ori pentru ca a bruscat ziaristi sau chiar pe fostul iubit (Gabriel Aubry) al actualei sale sotii Halle Berry.

Scandalul in care fostul iubit (Gabriel Aubry) al actritei Halle Berry a fost batut de catre Olivier, la indemnurile acesteia, a fost multa vreme comentat in presa de gossip. Insa cei doi pareau a fi uniti, cel putin impotriva lui Gabriel Aubry: Halle cu un proces nesfarsit in care vrea sa-i interzica acestuia sa-si mai vada fetita pe care o are impreuna cu el, si Olivier pentru ca il brusca verbal sau fizic daca avea ocazia.

Halle si Olivier sint impreuna de doi ani si au un copil impreuna (cel de al doilea pentru Halle).

Sint curioasa de cum va proceda Halle in acest divort, avand in vedere ca aproape l-a distrus financiar pe fostul partener, Gabriel Aubry, tarandu-l pe acesta prin ani intregi de procese la tribunal.

Varianta revistei People:

Fiery personalities: A source says, “They have had many issues. They both have fiery personalities and don’t like to compromise. Halle has threatened to file for divorce several times after arguments.”

Their living situation: Halle and Olivier wanted to move to France full time and raise the kids, but Gabriel Aubry put a stop to that. People’s sources don’t lay the blame directly at Gabriel’s feet, but that’s the subtext. Anyway, Olivier was pissed off that he had to move full-time to LA. A source says, “Olivier never loved living in L.A. full time. [He] just isn’t happy in L.A.”

Olivier has a violent temper. A source makes sure to reiterate the talking point: “He has a violent temper. [Friends say] he has an out of control hair-trigger temper.”

Olivier wanted Halle to focus on the family: “Olivier is complaining that he and Halle are not spending much time together and that she is working too much. He never wanted her to sign on for [CBS’s Extant] and Olivier was hoping they would focus on family time together after Maceo was born…He complains he spends his days alone, or with friends. He doesn’t understand why Halle wants to work so much and is still so focused on her career. Halle has instead been extremely busy and Olivier, who has not been working, is very bored in L.A.”

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